BS EN 527-1 OfficeFurniture - Work Tables and Desks - Part 1: Dimensions 办公家具- 工作台及桌子- 第一部分:尺寸 | |
Sample required: 2 set of completed products. | |
样品要求 :全套样品2 套并包括安装说明书(如适用). | |
Turnaround time: 8 working days. | |
所需时间:8个工作天. | |
BS EN527-2/3, 办公家具 - 工作台及桌子 - 第二、三部分:稳定性及结构的机械强度的测试方法 Office Furniture - WorkTables and Desks - Part 3: Methods of test for the determination ofthe stability and the mechanical strength of thestructure | |
Clause | TestRequirement | | Stability under verticalload 垂直力下的稳定性 | | Stability under draw open抽屉打开状态下的稳定性 |
5.2 | Strength under verticalforce 垂直静载强度 |
5.3 | Strength under horizonatlforce 水平静载强度 |
5.4 | Fatigue under horizontal force(5000 cycles) 水平疲劳测试 |
5.5 | Fatigue under vertical force(10000 cycles) 垂直疲劳测试 |
5.6 | Drop test 跌落测试 |
Sample required: 2 sets of completed products. | |
样品要求 :全套样品2套并包括安装说明书(如适用). | |
Turnaround time: 10 working days. | |
所需时间: 10个工作天. |
Photo for reference参考图片:
Sample Report报告样本: