BS EN 527-1 OfficeFurniture - Work Tables and Desks - Part 1: Dimensions
办公家具- 工作台及桌子- 第一部分:尺寸
Sample required:
2 set of completed products.
样品要求 :全套样品2 套并包括安装说明书(如适用).
Turnaround time:
8 working days.
 BS EN527-2/3, 办公家具 - 工作台及桌子 - 第二、三部分:稳定性及结构的机械强度的测试方法
Office Furniture - WorkTables and Desks - Part 3: Methods of test for the determination ofthe stability and the mechanical strength of thestructure
ClauseTestRequirement under verticalload 垂直力下的稳定性 under draw open抽屉打开状态下的稳定性
5.2Strength under verticalforce 垂直静载强度
5.3Strength under horizonatlforce 水平静载强度
5.4Fatigue under horizontal force(5000 cycles) 水平疲劳测试
5.5Fatigue under vertical force(10000 cycles) 垂直疲劳测试
5.6Drop test 跌落测试
Sample required:
2 sets of completed products.
样品要求 :全套样品2套并包括安装说明书(如适用).
Turnaround time:
10 working days.
所需时间: 10个工作天.

Photo for reference参考图片:

Sample Report报告样本: