Since wheeled(v.n.盘旋n.轮子) drones(n.无人机&雄蜂 v.嗡嗡叫) are in effect[实际上] self-driving(adj.自动驾驶的) cars, albeit(conj.虽然&尽管) passenger-less(adj.缺乏旅客的)ones, they need authorities(n.权威&权力)(adj.当局的) approval(n.许可&赞许) to operate. This has not always been forthcoming(v.出现&向前adj.即将来临的). Now the "corona shock(v.n.震惊&震怒)" is softening up(v.缓和&使-柔和)regulators, says Ryu Kentaro[健太郎] of ZMP(零力矩点), a maker of rolling(adj.翻滚的&摇摆的) drones(n.无人机&雄蜂 v.嗡嗡叫) in Tokyo. ZMP plans to begin a trial(n.v.adj.试验&考验) in Japan's capital this summer, faster than expected. In September another pilot(adj.v.实验 n.飞行员) project will see Twins(adj.成双 n.双胞胎) wheel's[双胞胎轮] "droids(n.机器人)" shuttle(v.穿梭&往返运送 n.航天飞机) mail for La Poste[法国邮政], France's postal(adj.邮政的&邮寄的) service in Montpelier(蒙彼利埃) (postal(adj.邮政的&邮寄的) workers will handle(v.处理&操纵 n.把手) the "last mile" to mailboxes(n.邮箱&邮筒)). Official(n.官方 adj.正式的&公务的) look kindly(adv.adj.亲切&和蔼) on covid-proof(adj.v.防护n.证据) contactless(adj.不接触的&遥控的) delivery(n.adj.递送&运送), says Qi Kong, in charge(n.指控&电量v.控告&充电) of drones(n.无人机&雄蜂 v.嗡嗡叫) at JD Logistics(n.后勤&物流)[京东物流], an arm(n.手臂&武器v.提供&武装)[分支部门] of jd. com, a Chinese e-commerce giant. Its vehicles' cargo bays(n.海湾&间隔)[货仓] open with a scan(n.v.浏览&扫描) of a recipient's(adj.n.接受&容纳)[收货人] face or smartphone screen(n.屏幕&屏风v.放映&遮蔽). On June 26th Amazon said it would buy Zoox, an autonomous-car[自动驾驶汽车] startup(n.adj.开始&启动)[初创企业], for $1.2bn. Drone (n.无人机&雄蜂 v.嗡嗡叫)airmail(n.航空邮件)[无人机航空邮件] remains(v.n.保留&遗留) fledgling(v.长羽毛)(adj.无经验的). Matter net[事件网], an American firm, operates a limited network[有线网络] in Switzerland. Wing(n.翅膀&v.飞行), Google's sister company, serves(v.提供&供应) parts of America, Australia and Finland. Zipline[拉索网], which pioneered(v.倡导&开辟 n.先锋) medical deliveries(n.adj.递送&运送)[医疗递送业务] by winged(adj.有翅膀的&飞行的) drones(n.无人机&雄蜂 v.嗡嗡叫)(固定翼无人机) in Ghana and Rwanda, opened a small drone(n.无人机&雄蜂 v.嗡嗡叫) port in North Carolina[北卡罗来纳] in May. But by one reckoning(v.估算&认为), less than a third of last year's automated(adj.v.自动化) deliveries(n.adj.递送&运送) worldwide(adv.adj.世界各地&全世界) were by air. Amazon's Prime(adj.主要&原始&优质) Air[一流空运], scheduled(v.安排&预定 n.时间表) to launch(v.n.发起&发行) in late 2019, remains grounded(adj.接触地面的&理性的 v.以-为依据&使停飞). At least(adv.至少) more regulators are getting on board[入伙-登上交通工具]. After much wavering(v.n.动摇&踌躇), Ontario's(安大略省) have at last[最后&终于] allowed a local firm, Drone Delivery(n.adj.递送&运送) Canada, to supply a remote(adj.遥远的&渺茫的) indigenous(adj.本土的&固有的) group called Beausoleil, fearful(adj.害怕的&可怕的) of lorry drivers bringing in the coronavirus. Flights(n.航班&飞行) are to begin in July.
日本旋转无人机制造商ZMP的Ryu Kentaro表示,现在由于“冠状病毒冲击”,监管机构放松了管制。ZMP计划今年夏天在日本首都试飞无人机,这比预期的要快。
九月,TwinswHeel将开展另一项试点项目,即利用无人机为法国Montpelier的邮政服务机构配送邮件(邮政工作人员的“最后一公里”信箱配送)京东物流是中国电子商务巨头京东的分支机构,其无人机主管Qi Kong表示,官方很看好防疫无接触配送,
但据估计,去年全世界的自动配送业务中,空运占比不到三分之一。亚马逊的Prime Air计划于2019年底推出,目前仍处于停滞状态。
至少有更多的监管机构加入进来。安大略省在经历了多次犹豫不决之后,终于允许一家当地公司,Drone Delivery Canada,为名为Beausoleil的偏远土著群体提供物资,因为他们担心卡车司机带来冠状病毒,
Business Office culture
The presenteeism(n.出勤主义) premium(adj.优质的 n.奖金&津贴)
Japan's white-collar warriors(n.勇士&战士) struggle(v.奋斗&搏斗)[努力] to adapt(v.适应&改造) to social distancing(社交距离).
In 57 AD[公元] a Chinese emperor, Guangwu[汉光武帝], gave an envoy(n.使者&公使) from the kingdom of Wa(佤族王国), as Japan was then known, a solid gold seal(n.印章 n.v.密封), with a handle(n.把手&v.处理) in the form of a coiled(v.盘绕 n.线圈) serpent(n.蛇&狡猾的人). Such seals(n.印章 n.v.密封), or han ko[汉代封印], are still commonly(adv.通常&普通) used in Japan in place of signatures(n.签名&签字) on official documents and contracts(n.合同 v.收缩&感染). During the covid-19 pandemic(n.adj.大流行病), with many workers forced to defy(v.违抗&挑战) social-distancing guidelines(n.指导方针&准则) and trudge(v.跋涉&步履艰难地走) to their offices to put ink to paper, the hanko[印章] captures(v.n.捕获&占领) corporate Japan's struggle(v.n.奋斗&搏斗)[难事] to modernize(v.使现代化) its anachronistic(adj.时代错误的) workplace(n.办公室&工厂) culture. Despite its reputation(n.名誉&名声) for[以什么闻名] hi-tech(adj.n.高科技) wizardry(n.巫术&魔法), Japan can be stubbornly(adv.固执&倔强) analogue(n.相似物&类似物). When the pandemic(n.adj.大流行病) hit(v.n.打击&撞击), only 40% of Japanese firms had used digitized(adj.v.数字化的) contracts(n.合同 v.收缩&感染)[数字化合同] at all and just 30% had systems in place[在-适当的地方] to enable(v.使-能够&激活)remote(adj.遥远的&渺茫的) working(远程办公). Faxes(n.传真) remain ubiquitous(adj.普遍存在的&无所不在的); in many prefectures(n.辖区&省县), doctors have been faxing(v.n.传真) corona virus test results to public- health officials. The pandemic(adj.n.大流行病) has also exposed(v.n.暴露&揭露) Japan Inc's(公司)unusually heavy reliance(n.依赖&信赖)on face-to-face communication. Meeting clients or business partners in person is de rigueur[合乎礼仪的]. The Japanese style of collective (adj.集体的&集合的)decision-making[集体决策] depends on people huddling(v.n.蜷缩&碰头) in a room together. Salary men and women[工薪男女] put in long days in the office to demonstrate(v.证明&示范) their dedication(n.奉献&献身) to their company and colleagues(n.同事&同僚)- and then late nights of sake-fuelled(以清酒作为刺激的) carousing(v.n.畅饮&一饮而尽) to build camaraderie(n.友情&同志之爱).
商业 办公室文化
出勤率超额 日本的白领战士们努力适应社会距离.
In Japan gaiatsu[日语-外部压力], or external pressure, often provokes(v.激起&激励) deep changes. It took the arrival(n.到达&产生) of America's Black Ships in 1853 to end(v.n.结束&中止) more than 200 years of Japanese isolation(n.隔绝&绝缘). A collision(n.碰撞&冲突) between Japanese and Chinese vessels(n.舰船&血管&容器) near disputed(v.n.争论&争夺) islands in 2010 prompted(v促使&导致 adj.迅速的) a revamp(n.v.修改&翻新) of the armed(adj.武装的) forces. The pandemic(n.adj.大流行病), argues Miyake Kunihiko(邦彦)of the Canon Institute(n.研究所 v.制定) for Global Studies, a think-tank in Tokyo, is gaiatsu[外部压力] for corporate Japan. Some firms are responding(v.n.回应&反应). Covid-19 is a headwind(n.逆风&顶头风) for revenues(n.收益&收入), but a tailwind(n.顺风) "in terms(n.方面&时期&术语) of culture", says Hagiwara Shinichi[工藤新一], boss of Mitsui Foods(三井食品), a big wholesaler(n.批发商). He has instructed(v.指示&教育) staff(n.adj.员工&职员) to hold(v.抓&抱&持)[举行] regular Zoom meetings(普遍增长会议). Many firms are shifting(v.n.转移&转变) to digital contracts(n.合同 v.收缩&感染). Virtual(adj.虚拟的&实质的) drinking parties[虚拟饮酒派对], or Zoom-nomi, are all the rage(n.盛怒&v.肆虐)[盛行一时的事物]; as Honda Masakazu(佐藤), a columnist(n.专栏作家), recently put it on Tokyo Keizai(东洋经济新报社), a business-news site(n.现场&场所)(商务新闻场所), "You don't have to worry about catching the last train." So far(adv.+adj.)[迄今为止] the changes have been halting(v.n.中断&踌躇) and uneven(adj.不平衡&不平坦). Large Japanese companies are shifting(v.n.转移&转换) to flexible(adj.灵活的&柔韧的) work regimes(n.政权&制度)[工作制度] more rapidly; they were more likely to have computer systems in place, as well as cash on hand to make up for[补偿] lost revenues(n.收入&收益) and pay for investment in hardware and software. Small and medium(n.媒介&方法 adj.中等&适中)-sized firms "don't have that luxury(n.adj.奢侈&奢华)[奢侈品]", admits(v.承认&接纳) Mr Hagiwara. And the evolution(n.进化&演化) may not endure(v.持续&忍耐). Once restrictions are relaxed(v.放松&松开), managers may demand to see their subordinates(n.下署 v.adj.使-从属于) back(adv.后退) at their desks. Perhaps, though, without their hanko(印章). On April 27th the prime minister, Abe Shinzo(安倍晋三), called for[要求&提倡] a rapid review(n.v.评论&回顾) of the practice. Even his minister of technology policy, who also heads(v.领导&主管) a parliamentary(adj.议会的&国会的) group for the protection of hanko culture[印章文化], conceded that(v.承认&授予) the seals(n.v.印章&密封) present(v.提供&展示) an obstacle(n.障碍&阻碍) to teleworking[电子办公].
虚拟饮酒派对(Zoom nomi)风靡一时;正如专栏作家本田正祖最近在一家商业新闻网站Toyo Keizai上所说,“你不必担心赶上末班车。”到目前为止,这些改变停滞不前,不太平衡.
He lives where most Americans live-in suburbia(n.郊区&郊区居民). His house sits on a plot(n.v.密谋&n.情节)[小块土地] that is 50 feet(n.尺&韵脚) wide and 100 feet deep. In front is a pavement(n.人行道), four feet wide, then a strip(n.条带 v.除去&夺去) of green[绿化带] containing a tree, seven feet, then a road, 40 feet. His neighbours' houses look much the same. At six per acre(n.英亩&大片), homes are close enough for arguments(n.争论&辩论&论据) to be overheard(v.无意中听到&偷听), but only if you pay attention. They are close enough for comfort(n.v.舒适&安慰). The suburb(n.城郊&市郊) is Lakewood(莱克伍德), south of Los Angeles. It was built during and after the second world war and was at first occupied mostly by white manual(adj.手工&手动n.说明书) workers[手工工作者]. Although the developers were Jewish, Jews were initially(adv.开始&最初) barred(v.阻止&阻挡 n.障碍&围栏) from living there, as were blacks. Among the early settlers(n.移居者&殖民者) were the parents of D. J. Waldie. He became a city official, and in 1996 published "Holy(adj.n.神圣&圣洁) Land[圣地]", a short, delightful(adj.令人愉快的&宜人的) book about the place. It is a reminder(n.提醒物&回忆物) that many people are happy to lead constrained(adj.限制&强迫) lives, even if they are free to move. Earlier defenses(n.v.防御&防守) of America's suburbs, such as Herbert Gans's "The Levittowners(列维坦)", argued(v.认为&争论) that they were more diverse(adj.不同的&各式各样的) and sociable(adj.好交际的&合群的) than their critics(n.批评家&评论员) alleged(v.宣称&指控). Mr Waldie does not quite agree. His childhood, with its packed(adj.v.塞满&包装) swimming pools and freewheeling(v.adj.随心你所&惯性滑行) Monopoly(n.垄断&独占) games, was sociable(adj.好交际的&友善的). Adulthood(n.成年期&成年) is less so. Few people walk the streets; each house is an island, visited occasionally(adv.偶然&偶尔) by friends and family, who come and go in cars. "The critics(n.评论者&批评者) of suburbs say that you and I live narrow(adj.狭窄&狭隘) lives," he writes. "I agree.
The form of the suburb encourages conformity(n.遵守&符合) and repetition(n.重复&重做). Most streets adhere(v.遵守&拥护&黏附)to a grid(n.网格&栅栏), running north-south and east-west(横贯南北东西), which is linked to a grid(n.网格&栅栏) that extends(v.延申&延长&延续) across southern California and indeed(adv.的确&实际上) much of(大部分)America. Navigation(n.导航&航行) is straightforward(adj.adv.直接&坦率). The ambulance(n.救护者&急救车) that carries Mr Waldie and his dead father to the hospital turns left out of his road, then left onto a boulevard(n.林荫大道 adj.娱乐性的), then right. Those who live there do not find this stifling(v.adj.抑制&使-窒息). "The grid(n.网格&栅栏) limited our choices, exactly as urban planners said it would. But the limits weren't paralyzing(v.使-麻痹&瘫痪)." Yet, as in many locked-down(adj.锁住的)- homes, the impression(n.印象&影响) of quiet and order[宁静与秩序] is surface deep(adj.深深的&厚的). The community(n.社区&群体) relies on deep aquifers(n.地下水层), but the rocks could also transmit(v.传输&传递&传播)terrible seismic(adj.地震的&重大的) shocks(n.v.震惊&愤慨)[地震冲击] to the surface. During the second world war the nearby(adj.adv.附近) aircraft factory was disguised(v.n.伪装&掩饰) to look like a suburb: had the enemy bombers(n.轰炸机) come, Lakewood[莱克伍德] could have been accidentally(adv.意外&偶然) wiped(v.抹去n.抹布) out[抹去]. The buyer of one house discovers that the previous(adj.以前的&先前的) owner had excavated(v.发掘&挖掘) a large air-raid(n.v.突袭&打劫)[空袭] shelter(n.v.庇护&遮蔽) underneath(prep.在-底下&在-下面) his garage(n.车库&加油站). Above all[最重要的是&尤其是], residents(n.居民 adj.居住的) feel the presence(n.存在&气质) of God. The developers boasted(v.n.吹嘘&夸耀) of Lakewood's many churches, and funded(v.资助&n.资金) a synagogue(n.犹太人集会) after the ban on Jews was lifted(v.n.提升&解除). Mr Waldie's father, who had briefly(adv.简短地&短暂地) joined a religious order, knows the Catholic liturgy(n.礼拜仪式) so well that he teaches newly ordained(v.命令&注定) priests(n.牧师&神职). As a boy, Mr Waldie carried the crucifix(n.十字架) in his church on Good Friday(耶稣受难日), wiping(v.抹去 n.抹布) lipstick(n.口红&唇膏) off Jesus's feet[耶稣之脚]. In the book of Revelation(n.启示&揭露), the city of God is perfectly(adv.完美&完全) square(adj.n.v.正方&平方).